
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “DE PAULA” ,找到相关结果约202208条。
Administra??o pública brasileira entreo gerencialismo e a gest?o social
Paula, Ana Paula Paes de;
Revista de Administra??o de Empresas , 2005, DOI: 10.1590/S0034-75902005000100005
Abstract: the purpose of this article is analyzing, in a comparative perspective, the managerial public administration and the societal public administration, in order to propose a research agenda for future investigation. in this perspective, we examine the antecedents and characteristics of these public management models and then we compare these models from six observational variables: the origin, the political project, the structural dimensions emphasized in management, the administrative organization of the state apparatus, the institutions opening to social participation, and the management approach. finally, we emphasize the limits and benefits of each model, and point out the need to deepen studies about societal public administration and the social management approach.
Maurício Tragtenberg: contribui es de um marxista anarquizante para os estudos organizacionais críticos Maurício Tragtenberg: contributions of anarchistic Marxism to critical organizational studies
Ana Paula Paes de Paula
Revista de Administra??o Pública , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/s0034-76122008000500007
Abstract: Este artigo analisa as contribui es de Maurício Tragtenberg no campo da crítica da administra o. Para tanto, s o examinadas suas três principais contribui es para esses estudos, tendo como referência o marxismo anarquizante que permeia seu pensamento: a crítica da burocracia, a crítica das teorias administrativas e a crítica da co-gest o. A inten o é demonstrar que suas críticas est o diretamente relacionadas com a vis o anarquista que sustenta seu pensamento libertário e sua defesa da autogest o. Concluindo, avalia-se a atualidade do pensamento de Tragtenberg em um contexto de revival e resgate da utopia anarquista, apontando caminhos para os estudos organizacionais que podem ser realizados de acordo com essa perspectiva. This article analyzes the contribution of Maurício Tragtenberg to the field of critical administration. As such, three principle contributions are examined for this study, using as a reference anarchistic Marxism that permeated his thinking, a critique of bureaucracy, a critique of administrative theories and a critique of co-management. The intention is to demonstrate that such critiques are directly related to an anarchist vision that sustains his libertarian thinking and defense of self management. In conclusion the article evaluates the current thinking of Tragtenberg in the context of revival and rescue of anarchist utopia, pointing to paths for organizational studies that could be made in agreement with this perspective.
Ser ou n o ser, eis a quest o: a crítica aprisionada na caverna de Plat o To be or not to be, that is the question: the critique trapped in the cave of Plato
Ana Paula Paes de Paula
Cadernos EBAPE.BR , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/s1679-39512009000300007
As bordadeiras de Ibitinga: trabalho a domicílio e prática sindical
Leite, Marcia de Paula;
Cadernos Pagu , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-83332009000100007
Abstract: this paper analyses the history of women embroiderers from ibitinga, a small town in the state of s?o paulo, which is known by the beauty of its needlework. it recreates, from a historical perspective, the diffusion of the embroidery industry in the town, emphasizing the struggle of the worker's union to improve labor conditions and register workers at the ministry of labor. the study emphasizes the importance of worker's organization to decrease homework, as well as to legalize the industries, a process that lies at the roots of its vigorous growth during recent years.
Kuhn e as ciências sociais
Assis, Jesus de Paula;
Estudos Avan?ados , 1993, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-40141993000300004
Abstract: the article shows for what reasons the vocabulary and the model for scientific growth of thomas kuhn were borrowed by epistemologists of the social sciences. the conclusion is that the texts produced in this vein are based in a shallow understanding of the author's main implications.
Eugene O'Neill e a tragédia moderna
Rabelo, Adriano de Paula;
Estudos Avan?ados , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-40142010000300014
Abstract: considered the most eminent american dramatist and one of the twentieth century most important authors, eugene o'neill always had the purpose of recreating tragedy through the values and references of his time. this paper is divided in three parts: the first one focuses some aspects of his biography; the second one, his works; and the third one, systematic aspects on his conception of the modern tragic.
O country no Brasil contemporaneo
Paula, Silvana G. de;
História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos , 1998, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-59701998000400015
Abstract: the article calls attention to the existence of a ?country? culture in brazil, that is, a pattern of urban sociability where aspects of rural life are adopted as expressions of sophistication and refinement. some comparisons are drawn between this country style and the us ?country and western? culture. the arguments presented make no pretense of exhausting the topic but are intended as a contribution towards further discussion. since the ideas developed here have been derived from field work conducted in rural s?o paulo and in texas, caution should be exercised before making any generalizations.
Vis?es do futuro: imagens da ciência e do cientista
Assis, Jesus de Paula;
Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política , 1996, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-64451996000100011
Abstract: using material from literature and cinema the idea of a "under-appraisal" of the scientist in society is discussed. as a matter of fact he is positively appraised, it is argued. the implications of this are examined.
Preliminary results from D? run II data
Carvalho, Wagner de Paula;
Brazilian Journal of Physics , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-97332004000200013
Abstract: we present recent physics results from the data collected by the d? detector in this early stage of run ii of the tevatron proton-antiproton collider. emphasis is given to the forward proton detector, a new subsystem that will enable detailed studies of diffractive phenomena at tevatron.
Experimental high energy physics
Paula, Leandro de;
Brazilian Journal of Physics , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-97332004000700024
Abstract: a summary of the contributions on experimental high energy physics to the xxiv brazilian national meeting on particle and fields is presented. there were 5 invited talks and 32 submitted contributions. the active brazilian groups are involved in several interesting projects but suffer from the lack of funding and interaction with brazilian theorists.

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